Beginners Guide to the Water TechniX Digital Test Meter

In the world of pool and spa maintenance, accuracy is key. The Water TechniX Digital Test Meter is revolutionizing water quality testing by providing pool owners and professionals with a powerful tool to ensure crystal-clear waters. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to precision as we delve into the cutting-edge features and benefits of this game-changing device. Whether you're a seasoned pool pro or a homeowner looking to elevate your aquatic oasis, the Water TechniX Digital Test Meter is about to become your new best friend. Join us as we dive into the depths of this innovative technology and discover how it's making a splash in the world of water quality management.

What the WT Digital Test Meter Tests and What It Does Not

WT Test Meter Tests








WT Test Meter Does NOT Test

Free Chlorine

Total Chlorine


Cyanuric Acid

Total Alkalinity



It doesn't test chlorine? I don't need it! (Wait, it's better)

Before you say you don't need it, hear us out. The digital test meter tests your ORP, which in a nutshell means HOW EFFECTIVE your current chlorine levels are. This does this by taking into account everything that's in your pool. So even if you have low chlorine levels, but your ORP is within range, then there's really no need to add chlorine.

And yes, you guessed it, if your ORP is below the recommended range, the simplest, and fastest way to get it to the correct level is to add chlorine. It may sound complicated at first, but once you get used to it, it's actually quite simple and will save you many doses of chlorine in the long run.

As you can see, the tests by the Digital Test Meter lean more towards the professional measurements, but don’t let that put you down though. Once you’ve mastered the basic chemical level, going the next step is the natural progression. Why? By knowing the advanced levels like EC, TDS, and ORP, you will be able to keep you pool cleaner and sparkling longer with less effort!

Now for the "regular" values, you will need something like the Water TechniX 7-in-1 Test strips.

Before we go into these “Pro” level tests, lets see how calibrate and how to work the digital test meter.

Importance of a properly calibrated digital test meter

A properly calibrated digital test meter that reads pH, EC, TDS, salt, S.G., ORP, and temperature is important for several reasons:

Accurate measurements: Calibration ensures that the readings provided by the meter are accurate and reliable. This is crucial when testing water quality parameters as even slight inaccuracies can lead to incorrect conclusions or decisions.

Consistency: Calibration helps maintain consistency in measurements over time. Regular calibration ensures that the meter continues to provide accurate readings, allowing for reliable comparisons between different samples or over different time periods.

Quality control: Proper calibration is essential for quality control purposes. It allows for the detection of any errors or deviations in the meter's readings, enabling prompt corrective actions.

Troubleshooting: A calibrated meter helps troubleshoot any issues with the measurement process. If there are discrepancies or unexpected results, calibration can help identify whether the problem lies with the meter or the sample being tested.
Cost savings: Proper calibration helps avoid costly errors or mistakes. For example, inaccurate pH measurements can lead to incorrect dosing of pool chemicals, resulting in wasted resources, ineffective treatments, or even damaged pool equipment.

Safety: Accurate measurements are crucial to ensure the safety of individuals. Calibration helps maintain the reliability of the meter, reducing the risk of false readings that could lead to unsafe conditions.

How to properly calibrate your digital test kit

Having a properly calibrated digital pool test kit is essential for maintaining the cleanliness and chemical balance of your pool water. Calibration ensures accurate readings, allowing you to make informed decisions about water treatment and adjustments. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to properly calibrate your digital pool test kit, ensuring reliable and precise results every time. By following these instructions, you can confidently monitor and maintain the quality of your pool water, ensuring a safe and enjoyable swimming experience for everyone.

Calibrating pH on your digital test kit

The Water TechniX digital test meter comes with color-coded calibration solutions. See the instructions below with their corresponding colors to properly calibrate the pH limits o f your device.

Calibrating EC/ORP/Salt/TD on your digital test kit

These readings are factory calibrated and should not be a problem. BUT if there is a discrepancy, our customer support team will help you find the necessary powders for calibration. Simply reach out and we'll be glad to help. For instructions on calibration, the instructions are below.

How to switch modes on your digital pool test kit

Switching mode is pretty simple and is labeled appropriately on the digital pool test kit. For a visual guide, check the guide below.

Dealing with low battery

Replacing the batteries is pretty straightfoward. If the battery is low, the device will automatically shut off and there will be a visual indicator.

To replace, simply twist off the top cap, remove the batteries, take the batteries to your nearest watch shop (or order online) replace, and you're good to go!

What do the tested levels mean for your pool?

What is Electrical Conductivity (EC) for swimming Pools

Electrical Conductivity (EC) is a crucial parameter for swimming pools as it measures the water's ability to conduct electrical current, directly linked to the pool's total dissolved solids (TDS) and salinity levels. Maintaining the right EC levels is vital for swimmer comfort and equipment longevity. Proper EC ensures water balance and prevents corrosion, scale buildup, or skin and eye irritation. It's an essential component of water quality management, helping pool owners maintain a safe and enjoyable swimming environment.  

  • Freshwater Pools: For conventional freshwater pools, a target EC level is typically in the range of 1,500 to 2,500 microsiemens per centimeter (µS/cm). This range helps maintain water balance and prevent issues such as corrosion and scaling. It's essential to check your pool's specific requirements and adjust as needed based on your pool's characteristics and local water conditions.

  • Saltwater Pools: In saltwater pools, the EC level is typically higher due to the added salt. Generally, the recommended EC range for saltwater pools falls between 3,000 and 5,000 µS/cm. This higher EC level is necessary for the proper operation of salt chlorine generators.

What is Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) for swimming pools?

 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are an important parameter to monitor in swimming pools because they represent the cumulative concentration of all dissolved materials in the pool water. TDS includes minerals, salts, organic matter, and other impurities that can accumulate over time due to various factors like evaporation, chemical treatments, and contamination from swimmers and the environment. Here's the importance of TDS in swimming pools: 

  • Water Quality: High TDS levels can affect the clarity and overall quality of pool water. Excess TDS may lead to cloudy or dull water, reducing the aesthetic appeal of the pool and potentially causing discomfort for swimmers.

  • Equipment Efficiency: Elevated TDS levels can put added strain on pool equipment, such as filters and pumps. It can lead to reduced equipment efficiency and lifespan, potentially resulting in higher maintenance and replacement costs.

  • Scaling and Corrosion: Extremely high TDS can contribute to scaling on pool surfaces and equipment, as well as corrosion of metal components. This can lead to costly repairs and maintenance.

  • Chemical Imbalance: High TDS can make it more challenging to maintain proper water balance, which is essential for swimmers' comfort and the effectiveness of pool chemicals.

 The recommended TDS levels for swimming pools can vary based on factors like pool type, local water conditions, and specific equipment. Generally, the following TDS guidelines can be considered:

Freshwater Pools: TDS levels in freshwater pools should typically be maintained below 1,500 to 2,000 parts per million (ppm). Regular water testing and partial water replacement (draining and refilling) may be necessary to manage TDS levels in freshwater pools.

Saltwater Pools: Saltwater pools naturally have higher TDS levels due to the salt used in the system. The acceptable range for TDS in saltwater pools is typically around 3,000 to 5,000 ppm.

How to Reduce TDS in your pool

There are multiple ways to reduce TDS in your pool, but for the home pool owner, the easiest and most cost effective way to do this is to partially drain your pool and refill with fresh water. If you do this, be sure to check all of the levels after refilling and adjust your chemical levels as appropriate.

What is Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) for swimming pools?

 Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) is a crucial parameter in swimming pools and water treatment systems because it measures the water's disinfection capability and the overall effectiveness of the sanitizing agents, such as chlorine. Here's the importance of ORP in swimming pools: 

  • Water Disinfection: ORP is a direct indicator of a pool's ability to effectively disinfect and sanitize the water. It measures the pool's oxidative strength, primarily provided by chlorine or other disinfection agents. Maintaining an appropriate ORP level ensures that the water is free from harmful microorganisms like bacteria and algae, providing a safe and healthy swimming environment.

  • Water Clarity: Proper ORP levels help in preventing the growth of algae and the formation of cloudy or green water. This results in crystal-clear pool water, enhancing the pool's aesthetics and swimmer comfort.

  • Chemical Efficiency: Maintaining the right ORP levels ensures that the pool chemicals, especially chlorine, are operating at their optimal disinfection capacity. This helps in reducing the overall chemical consumption and the associated costs while ensuring that swimmers are not exposed to under-chlorinated or over-chlorinated water. 

The recommended ORP levels for swimming pools can vary depending on factors like pool type, water temperature, bather load, and the specific chlorine system used. However, in a general sense:

Freshwater Pools: The recommended ORP range for freshwater pools is typically between 650 mV (millivolts) and 750 mV. Keep in mind that specific pool management systems and chemical controllers may have slightly different target ranges.

Saltwater Pools: ORP levels in saltwater pools are often maintained in a similar range, typically between 650 mV and 750 mV, though some variations may apply depending on the equipment and control systems in use. 

Learn more about ORP / Oxidation Reduction Potential Here

What is Specific Gravity (S.G.) for swimming pools?

 Specific Gravity (S.G.) is a measurement that indicates the density or salinity of the pool water, especially in saltwater pools. Here's the importance of S.G. in swimming pools: 

  • Salinity Control: S.G. is a crucial parameter in saltwater pools, as it directly correlates with the concentration of salt in the water. Maintaining the appropriate S.G. level is essential for the effective operation of salt chlorine generators or saltwater chlorination systems. Incorrect salinity levels can result in inefficient chlorination, which may lead to water quality issues.

  • Swimmer Comfort: The right S.G. level ensures that the pool water feels comfortable to swimmers. Water that is too salty can be unpleasant and may cause skin and eye irritation. On the other hand, water that is too dilute (low S.G.) may not provide the buoyancy that swimmers expect in saltwater pools.

  • Equipment Protection: Proper S.G. levels are necessary to protect the equipment in saltwater pools. High or low salinity levels can cause premature wear and tear on pool equipment and may lead to corrosion or scaling issues. 

The recommended S.G. level for swimming pools, particularly saltwater pools, typically falls within the range of 1.025 to 1.035. However, the specific target S.G. may vary depending on the type of pool equipment, the manufacturer's recommendations, and local water conditions. It's important to follow the guidelines provided by the manufacturer of your salt chlorine generator or saltwater chlorination system.


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Happy swimming :)

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